Thank you for guiding me today I sing you ma song
Thank you for sparing me by forgetting those day I do wrong
U've been there before I was born
U've been there before I was bond
U're there when I was born
U're there when I was young
U're there when I was growing up
U're there when I was hustling in the scorching sun
U're there when I was thrown in the thorn
U're there when I was gut to eat the worms
U're there when I was gut to eat the crumbs
U're there when they call me sores
U're there when they call me flaws
But now I'm living life in it's fullest
Today I sing u ma song
It's very hard in this wilderness
Sons of men hurt me with their wickedness
Countable time involved in accidents
Numerous time involved in claw incidences
Many times last I tend
Many times less I was cared
Many times sorrow tears I shed
Many times they wreck ma deck
Most time they flog me with cane
Most time it's me ma friend betray
Most time I walk in the lane of nail
But now I stood a name
Today I sing you ma song
Lord I praise thy holy name
The leading spirit of all things even and odd