twice upon a time, we made the same mistake and fell so far behind
this place looks familiar, it feels like I've been here before but I'm really not sure
so I'm asking, is it even possible to forget what I've learned before and have to do it all again?
back to the start where it all began, and I should have told you from the get go
I should have looked for something unconventional
could you help me forget? I don't want to rememver all the mistakes I now regret
so I'm waiting for the day that I lean, that dreaming someone else's dream is never the answer
but it's nobody's fault but my own, and I should have know it from the get go
I should have looked for something unconventional
twice upon a time, we made the same mistake and fell so far behind
I thought that I knew better than that
aren't we all looking for something unconventional?
hoping for a second chance, to start over again?
next time I'll give one hundred and ten percent
Paula. :)