Coo coo it's cold outside. Coo coo it's cold outside. Ooo coo coo. Don't forget your mittens. Hey Pal! How do I get to town from here? And he said: Well just take a right where they're going to build that new shopping mall, go straight past where they're going to put in the freeway, take a left at what's going to be the new sports center, and keep going until you hit the place where they're thinking of building that drive-in bank. You can't miss it. And I said: This must be the place. Ooo coo coo. Golden cities. Golden towns. Golden cities. Golden towns. And long cars in long lines and great big signs and they all say: Hallelujah. Yodellayheehoo. Every man for himself. Ooo coo coo. Golden cities. Golden towns. Thanks for the ride. Big Science. Hallelujah. Big Science. Yodellayheehoo. You know. I think we should put some mountains here. Otherwise, what are all the characters going to fall off of? And what about stairs? Yodellayheehoo. Ooo coo coo. Here's a man who lives a life of danger. Everywhere he goes he