Winonah, the whiskey owns her
So she take to a tavern to take some company
Winonah, nobody’s shown her
That bar rooms are a prison and whiskey is no key
Contemplating why her youth so quickly slipped away
Winonah pours another drink to wash the pain away
Taking whiskey for her wages Winonah looks for truth
Sweeping up the sawdust underneath a bar room booth
Winonah, the whiskey owns her
So she take to a tavern to take some company
Winonah, nobody’s shown her
That bar rooms are a prison and whiskey is no key
Well, early in her younger days she felt she could not cope
So dependency on dreams became her only hope
But now the dreams she’s dreaming come from bottles on a shelf
So gaily, drinking daily sweet Winonah finds herself
Winonah, the whiskey owns her
So she take to a tavern to take some company
Winonah, nobody's shown her
That bar rooms are a prison and whiskey is no key
Screen Gems-Columbia Music, Inc/Window Music Pub.Co. Inc/
Countryside Music/BMI