Flight to the ford Song Lyrics
Flight to the ford by Lord Of The Rings Sindarin:
[0.00-0.20] Tinúviel elvanui
[0.21-0.40] Elleth alfirin
[2.31-2.35] Bârî 'n Katharâd
[2.37-2.42] Îdô nêd nêpâm
[2.42-2.46] Nêtabdam dâurad
[2.48-2.53] Nidir nêpâm
[2.53-3.00] Nêpâm nêd aglar
[3.31-] ?
[0.00-0.20] Tinúviel [the] elven-fair
[0.21-0.40] Immortal maiden
[2.31-2.35] Lords of Eternal Life
[2.37-2.42] Now we grasp for ourselves
[2.42-2.46] We cling to the darkness
[2.48-2.53] [The] Nine, we grasp
[2.53-3.00] We grasp for ourselves glory