Nothing is forever...
The memories of the war scarce...
My mind doens't get more to think...
One of the things that me more taste,
It's sit down andto be alone....
Nothing lasts a lot...
The war was harribles,
She destroyed loves, it corrupted the men...
But it's reminded in each marck of blood...
In those walls...(x2)
I left muself alone...
I'm falling,
I'm remembering what passed...
I still didn't forget...
Scences of deaths take care of the dreams
Those children...
They cried...
Those women, screaming...
My head is tormented...
My heart so wounded,
My cut into pieces memory...
I close the eyes,
I want to remind of when I saw truth cry,
Of when I madeto suffer who didn't have fault...
When I destroyed dreams...
That war... She's kept...