Wrong side of the street
- wanna dream but I can't sleep
Wrong side of the street
- wanna cry but I can't speak
Wrong side of the street
- gotta ride a losing streak
Wrong side of the street
- wanna dream but I can't sleep
Wrong side of the street
- wrong side
Wrong side of the street
- wanna cry but I can't speak
Wrong side of the street
- gotta ride a losing streak
Wrong side of the street
- wanna dream but I can't sleep
Wrong side of the street
- wrong side
Nie boj sie
Sprobuj jeszcze raz
Potykasz sie
Znowu pecha masz
Byc moze nie masz szans
Kto to wie
Pamietaj jestem tu
Na zte i dobre
Nie jestes sam
Zawotaj mnie