Evil first entered the world when Adam and Eve tried to know
They tested the apple of death
and Original Sin was passed on from them to us
So when we're born, we are bad
There's no evil that we'll not do
But God's love can turn us around!
And then we can become warm-hearted people
That's what it says in the Bible, and oh, well it may be true
It may be true what it says
But in these godless days to Science we look for the truth
And what does Science say?
That selfishness is in our genes
So when we're born we are bad
Each one of us longs to compete
And only the strong ones survive
They reach for the top!
They make all the big money!
And those born with less strong genes
Well, they make ends meet as dustmen and things like that
It's hard, but it's natural
Nature won't be messed with
Do you want to live in Russia?
No, it's hard, but it's natural
Nature won't be messed with