Fazil's Friend Song Lyrics
Fazil's Friend by Milla One day slackin' with no one
Doing nothing the best way that I can
Searching thru my records looking for that hero song
I take my slipers and put them on
In my bed I spend most of my time
Way to tired to write down a clean rhyme
I say bedskating is a lot cooler when the trucks are on
Please tell me, am I right or wrong
Fazil's friend is here to let you know
What it's like when you wanna be the o.s.
Slackin' on the phone or slackin' all alone
I'll be nr one when I turn o.s.
Hila zaka hasaro kwango
Don't know what it means but it's your job to find out
Call me up when you've got something bad to say
And I will listen in my own way
Fazil's friend is here to let you know
What it's like when you wanna be the o.s.
Slackin' on the phone or slackin' all alone
I'll be nr one when I turn o.s.
Try to be someone
Best way that I can
Bothering no one
Only what's inside me
Fazil's friend is here to let you know
What it's like when you wanna be the o.s.
Slackin' on the phone or slackin' all alone
I'll be nr one when I turn o.s.