For the strength of the hills we bless Thee,
Our God, our father's God;
Thou hast made Thy children mighty,
By the touch of the mountain sod;
Thou hast led Thy chosen Israel
To freedom's last abode?
For the strength of the hills we bless Thee,
Our God, our father's God.
At the hands of the foul oppressors,
We've borne and suffered long;
Thou hast been our help in weakness,
And Thy pow'r hath made us strong;
'Mid ruthless foes, outnumered,
In weariness we trod;
Thou hast led us here in safety,
Where the mountain bulwark stands,
As the guardian of the loved ones
Thou hast brought from many lands;
For the rock and for the river,
The valley's fertile sod;
For the shadow of Thy presence,
Our camp of rock o'erspread;
For the canyon's rugged defiles,
And the beetling crags o'erhead;
For the snows and for the torrents,
And for our burial sod;