?Eis o inicio de um tempo de miséria sem fim;
com mulheres sem pudor, homens sem força,
velhos sem a sabedoria da idade
e jovens sem respeito pelas tradições.
Uma era de injustiça, líderes cruéis, traição
e sem nenhuma virtude!?
She walks by night under the moonlight
Between prophecy and reality
Goddess and Queen
Raven battle
The sound of drums
They call for the battle to be won
Quenching their thirst for blood
Destroying his enemies to pieces
Raven black Phantom Queen
She brings her strength and power
To victory
Beautiful and ruthless
Her cry is able to frighten the strongest of men
Hatred, venom and fury at his side
His mission and destiny
Was to liberate his people
Raven black Phantom Queen
She brings her strength and power
To victory
Blood, war and death
Passion, Honour and Glory
His prophecy is fulfilled every day
Feeding on dead bodies
It follows under the moonlight
Phantom Queen ...
The time has come
To victory
?Um tempo onde as árvores estão sem frutos e mares
sem peixes, onde a Mãe Natureza só ofertará veneno
como alimento aos seres vivos!
Esta é a Era dos Homens, do nosso mundo.?