I'm telling the world, here, right now.
That there is A Loving Creator to hear my bound.
He captured my heart so long ago.
He wants you to know Him and love Him. He'll show you how.
He was nailed to a tree, so that we could forever be free.
And He rose from the dead, proving that He was all He had said.
Now He's calling out for you.
Yes He died for me and you. (for you).
So, what in this world, all you living for.
Is it for your money or fame or something more?
When it setting done, when life is through,
He wants those who know Him and trust Him, will this be you?
Repeat Chorus.
He paid such a price.
He gave up His life, I promise this choice you won't regret.
For better or worse.
No one can reverse the way that He feels.
He is Christ,He could've saved
Himself 'n yet still He was nailed to that tree.
He made the impossible for you and me.
When He rose form the grave,
He've completed the way to be said.
All He ask you to do (all that He need),is receive what
He's offered to you.(offered to you).
Now I promise you, yes I promise you, yes
I promise He Love you, yes He died for me and you. (for you)
He died for you.