I want it my way
I want that sunshine
If time flies by I hope it takes me high
I want waves for days
I want that big tracks to rack
I wanna be the first and the last
I want love with the sex
I want times to look back
While im thinking ahead
I want it my way
I want that sunshine
If time flies I hope it takes me high
We late night smoking watching all this funny shit
Pedro roll another one and take another hit
Conversation flows in a crazy way
We go from blunts to bikes to bitches and to skate
Confessions from exes take our minds to reflection
I just hope we all moving in the right direction
Cultivando memorias na contramao do sucesso
Bati de frente com versos
Onde dinhero vem primeiro e dpois o progresso
O rap e compromisso vish o papo ta serio
Eu so qro cola em bh da um rôle com uma gata e pa
Depois tromba os muleque preu pode raxa
I want it my way
I want that sunshine
If time flies by I hope it takes me high
I want waves for days
I want that big tracks to rack
I wanna be the first and the last
I want love with the sex
I want times to look back
While im thinking ahead
I want it my way
I want that sunshine
If time flies I hope it takes me high
Don't worry bout me im 100 like hansen
Lifes a question with more than a million answers
It's a million to one chance youll never make it
Sometimes you gatta stop tryin and you gatta take it
Fifth gear riding with the throttle wide open
Live as fast as I can and make sure I die slowly
Headed to the beach on 395
E muleque ce ta longe de casa
Eu vejo sonhos e dinheiro entre o mar e as palmeras
Quando fecho o olho vejo o mundo inteiro
On south beach surfing the clearest of oceans
Then I hop on my bike now im surfing the surface
I want it my way
I want that sunshine
If time flies by I hope it takes me high
I want waves for days
I want that big tracks to rack
I wanna be the first and the last
I want love with the sex
I want times to look back
While im thinking ahead
I want it my way
I want that sunshine
If time flies I hope it takes me high