Open the doors , open the gates
The sight is not the only way to see
It’s time to find your soul
Your mind is only a passage
Leading to the unknown
The words are not the only way to speak
Try to unfold what you think
Without any word
There is no more water
In the sea of illusions
There is no more water
No more
Open the doors , open the gates
The sight is not the only way to see
You will learn
You will learn
Your hands can also explain
Feelings that come
From the depths of your soul
From the unconscious
Changing the feelings into melodies
Learning to hear
Learning to feel
Try to understand why when you are sleeping
Your mind shows things you hadn’t seen before
Or things you forgot , memories of previous lives
Nightmare enslaves your soul , visions of places
Hidden fears and feelings that you can’t explain
Try to understand their meaning
Try to understand their meaning