I am what you need
Don't look for the other numbers
I am everything
Your fears, your dreams
The way you come to me
Is such a mystery
Why shall I be your victim?
Gold? Gold is silvering
Light? Light is darkening
Mind? Mind is wondering
Just the power of suggestion
You are the chosen one
I am your fortune teller
You are a state of mind
No fear, no tears
Gold? Gold is silvering
Light? Light is darkening
Mind? Mind is wondering
Just the power of suggestion
Seventeen? Magic and superstition
Seventeen? Now impressed on my skin
Seventeen? Don't play odds and numbers
Seventeen? That's what IÂ?ve seen
I am what you need
Don't look for the other numbers
I am everything
Your fears, your dreams
The way you come to me
Is such a mystery
Why shall I be your victim?
Gold? Gold is silvering
Light? Light is darkening
Mind? Mind is wondering
Just the power of suggestion
Seventeen? Magic and superstition
Seventeen? Now impressed on my skin
Seventeen? Don't play odds and numbers
Seventeen? That's what I've seen