Silence is golden, but I'm gonna scream and shout
Wallow in the muck and mire like a howlin' drunken lout
Make room for daddy boy, poppa's got a brand new kick
Fly the flag and toss the shit. Some of it's just gotta stick
It don't matter what ya like, pack your shit and take a hike!
Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful, but hate me all the more
Standing soaked in angels' piss
I drink the blood of your false gods
Maybe I will burn down in hell
But I'll be damned if you're not
You've ruined all the good times
With your swiss cheese philosophies
Go and fuck your priests and temples
And I'll do just what I please
And if I've hurt your pompous pride
We can take this all outside
I ain't trying to be no tough guy, but I ain't no faggot altar boy
Take your cults and politics and stick 'em up your big fat ass
If I wanted to get religion, hell I woulda gone to sunday mass
Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful
But hate me all the more
I thought punk was good time junk
Not the seeds of holy war
You get my goat when you want my vote
For some dumb hick straight off the boat
Goin' far off about karl or adolf
Or farrakahn's new ku klux klan