9 s POWER LyricsMabghitch nwelli b7alhoum dayer fucking liar nbi3 koulshi w nsma7 f my integrity
N9der nsma7 f ga3 lpower l’fame o tsawer bouhdi neb9a o mankhserch wejhi
Wakha s3ib hadchi bghawha sahla w ana bghit hadchi
Tri9i mchouwka w ba9i fiha nemchi
Lyouma dfelti 3liha lbareh fiha dezti
Hrebti menha jak s3ib hadchi
3achti 7lami m3aya w gelti dert dakchi
Mat9arrinach rajla nta mafiksh dakchi
Ghir lsan houwa li twil amma li ldakhel rachi
You fight and i fight but it’s not the same motive
Ga3 khassina flouss but it’s not the same motive
I’m hope for the hopeless, sound of the voiceless
Mn louwel ga3ma dkhalna same fight
Mabghitch nwelli b7alhoum dayer fucking liar nbi3 koulshi w nsma7 f my integrity
N9der nsma7 f ga3 lpower l’fame o tsawer bouhdi neb9a o mankhserch wejhi
9albi mora this art
And i know no better
I’m just trynna be honest
I’m not a hero not a saint i’m not a prophet
Ga3ma nkdeb and use the people for the profit
Li daz 9ssa7ni w ga3ma nebki bach nb9a fik
Nch3al ghi ddo f 39ol chi nass ila kane tafi
Ga3ma gha nbi3 rassi ga3ma ghane9der
Bghawni nb9a saket walayni ghanhder this time
Ga3ma mabaghi ndem la daz lwa9t
Ghanb9a sabr and for this power ga3ma nrkhass
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Mabghitch nwelli b7alhoum dayer fucking liar nbi3 koulshi w nsma7 f my integrity
N9der nsma7 f ga3 lpower l’fame o tsawer bouhdi neb9a o mankhserch wejhi5