Row row row row
What it all comes down is
Is what you believe - you live
'cause you know it doesn't really matter
What people say, what people think, uh-huh!
'cause you just got to take it, one little step at a time
And you got to escape it, limitations, that'll bind
That'll bind your mind
Un-bind your mind, find peace of mind
It's just a mind thing, it's mind over matter
Row row row row
What it all comes down to is, is how much you believe, live
In the lovin' that you give, in the lovin' you receive
Hurry quick now, don't be late, get on the stick
Don't you hesitate, and take a moment
Of your sweet time, smell the roses, uh-huh
Have yourself a very fine life, smell the roses
And haveyourself a very good time, smell the roses
And feel peace, feel peace of mind, feel peace of mind
It's just a mind thing, it's just a mind thing
It's just mind over matter
Confucious say
"He who has hope, has everything. "