i don't know what to do, there is something wrong in heaven.
there must be a job for you, to upset me, well forget it.
,it won't do, let's not pretend.
what is it that you do ? we are menacing together.
never told you what is true, i only wished for the better.
it won't do, let's not pretend.
these days all of the sudden, we are reaching the end,
i will always remember, what now is forgotten.
Let's not pretend, we are reaching the end.
i told you we are through, you found many ways to threaten.
it is not up to you, i don't feel that pain is pleasant.
it won't do, let's not pretend.
i wish you wishing well, you're a perfect joy remover.
it's your time to live and learn, i have learned my life is crucial.
it won't do, let's not pretend
these days all of the sudden, we are reaching the end,
i will always remember, what now is forgotten.
Let's not pretend, we are reaching the end..