I do not eat because I'm hungry
though this sometimes happens too
I only eat because I'm lonely
and I got nothing else to do
I recently discovered
it's the perfect way to pass my time
I'm wolfing down all kinds of shit
To fill the emptiness inside
I tend to live on chocolate now
for reason I mentioned above
the fridge's become my new best friends
and food... -my substitute for Love
I do not really go for taste
there's no such things as good or bad
I get no joy from eating food
"cause all things taste the same... -I'm fat
I banned all mirrors from my home
I cannot bear them judging me
I *feel* like gaining weight each day
I Hate Myself enough for three
I do not eat because I'm hungry
well yes... that sometimes happens too
I mostly eat because I'm Alone
and I got nothing else... to do