Locked deep in shackles of sin and defeat;
Captive to failure and doubt,
Bound by the tempter, condemned by his lies,
I believe there was no way out.
The the Word and the Spirit cut through like a knife,
And you saved me and gave me abundant new life.
Now I’m free, I’m free from the bondage of sin,
No longer a slave to the old man again.
I am free, I’m free like a bird on the wing.
Like the new song I’m now free to sing..I’m free.
Trials and tests try to shatter my faith,
Turning my hope into fear.
Whispers of shame keep on calling my name,
But deep in my spirit I hear
Words of assurance, like grace on the wind.
Breezes of mercy remind me again.
And whosoever the Son has set free,
Is now and forever free indeed.