If you take a gram of water
And apply one calorie of heat to it
You will raise its temperature
By one degree celsius
But you need to apply 81 calories
To ice, simply to change it
To water at 0 degrees celsius
The latent heat of change
Of state of ice to water
Uses 81 times more available heat
Than rising the temperature
Of water one degree
Once all the ice is melted
The once covered ice area
Will heat up 81 times faster
It will be not so great
A new steady state of high heat
Tolerant might mean
Hopefully, rapidly evolve
But human civilisation
As we know it will no longer exist
'cause gaia likes it cold
'cause gaia likes it cold
'cause gaia likes it cold
The loss of ice cover
Will catipult our climate
Into an uncharted
Apocalyptic era of rapid heating
There will be no stopping it