Forgive all of my sins
Let me show that i am good
And not evil like they say
Let me say the words god wanna hear
To make this world better than it is
Without wars and withouts demons around us
Without bad guys and without muderers
Without all this violence and break of rules
'Cause Im good, GOd saved me
Its time to unleash the peace
With this song i wanna all u in peace
I wanna all you in peace
Remember all of my sins
And tell what theyve done
They made me a better person
All of my faults became justice
All of my sins became peace
Along with god helpin me
I will sing this song til all this world be in peace
For all you that didnt reached the top
Didnt find the peace to make your lives good
It is with this song im singin
I wanna all u to have peace