Getting up is always a drag, no matter the time, Snoozing until the last minute means
no time for brakefast
Jump on the five to 10 as usual, At \650 an hour
I'm just a waiter with no right to talk back, Slave to the lunching customers
The lazy clock is my enemy no.1, Life seems far too stubborn to be changed
Grease-stained worn-out shirt A look too miserable for a "BOSS"
I see no sky from the window, Tommorow could to be today for all I know
5 minutes break in a smoky rest room. What does free mean?
This is not whrere I ought to end up, Right, 'cause the future is in our hands
I'm not here to to be a loser but to succeed, Bear anything and survive waiting for
that wind to blow
No way out from this dump under the hard rain, Dragging myself home again
I don't need any more whitewash bullshit, My knees are about to give in
Ideals are only for those who can afford them, Hopes have no part in my life right
Scraping the street with my jeans' turn ups, Back to the smoky rest room
I'm only just managing to survive, but I know one thing for sure, It is still in our
Work followed by work, cultivate the field and wait for sunrise, but nothing changes
Unrecognisable to anybody else, Still cltivating the field
Negligible pay gets sucked out, Recored pressing costs ridicule me and hang from my
Doubted the dreams long ago, "Chie no Wa"(EP) is left on the shelf, Trapped with no
way out
Play the women, Forget the records on hold, Dry up the booze and sweat with
Every month, can't escape the moneylenders, Seems like there's no suchi thing as
Smile, though it may be hard, Wait, And let the record spin quietly for now
This mission is going to be a troubled one, Let it spin, Let SP THA BLUE take
Lost in battles as though as Waterloo, Fly low across the "BOG"
It's B and ONO, Japan's orignal BEST KEPT SECRET
A gradual magnifying resonance, Feeling like the beginning of something new
Supporters, believers, bystanders, vagabonds, music freaks, the curious and the
Realise that the sory has only just begun, Walk in the staughtered victim MC's
2 May '99, "Todai"*, CORE in Roppoingi was where we arrived
We closed the last door behid us, and opened the first with our own hands
It's a joke for us to turn out back on this town, You can't intoxicate us with
Phony deals
We were right, It's been a long road when you look back
We don't have connections, no one to lean on, PEACE TO the morning SOUL and the
Redeem my honour at the eond of ninth inning, The limitless payback
Getting up is always a drag, no matter the time, snoozing until the last minute means
no time for breakfast
Jump on the five to 10 as usual, "Excuse me, I have a show on May 2, I want to take
a day off",
" Oh sorry but I wanted you to quite by the end of the month anyway", OK, perfect,
The future is in our hands
We all met in the music, We'll never leave it
We may find more but it will never be less, We'll probably all age together smiling
The scattered morning dance floor, There are no questions to be asked
The drama of sharing what you have given, The future is in our hands
The party is over and the music turned off, THe Past is the past and not much can be
Like Saturdays at AL's Bar, I still can't believe you are a parent now
So there you found happiness, Perhaps nothing can beat that
TIme comes and goes, never stops, The fure is in our hands
Wake up those asleep, put back the ashtrays, and reminisce about those nights in
To the sounds of the glassses of the last toast, To the recored breaking depth of
To Tokyo, and other local cities, Miyako, Kyoto, and today's Sapporo City
Here we all survive, Someday, we will all meet, Finally the fure is in our hands
(Although there aren't things never end, are there things never change?
Losing little by little slowly, We live with each peace of minds
However, we do go further away? It is yet at least, and voluminously
To the bottom thoroughly, let it go on, Don't release your hold
Japanese PUBLIC IMAGE ENEMY, Still No.1, TBH)