Rock it hard, rock it steady
Pick yourself up and
Get yourself ready
Wave your arms
Let me hear you yell
Were gonna rap about
General Hospital
It started out
In Port Charles town
Where Frank Smith's mob
Used to hang around
No one could prove
That he was a crook
Till Luke stole his
Little black book
It had names and
Numbers all in code
So Luke and Laura
Had to hit the road
They had to find
The left-handed boy
Watch their step
They had to be coy
The gold involved
Was worth so much
Others wanted it
Like Sally and Hutch
But there's one thing
I must confess
Sally was a man
Who wore a dress
Luke kept his cool
He ain't no fool
He set them both up cold
Well Sally died
Hutch survived
And no one got the gold
Paging Dr. Noah Drake
To Icu to treat a
Case of heartbreak
They keep me waiting
I don't mind waiting
Don't call me crazy
No, I'm not lazy
My day won't go right
I can't sleep all night
My hands start shaking
My knees start aching
I just can't cope
Without my soap
General Hospital
General Hospital
MM, number one
General Hospital
You're my worst affliction
General Hospital
You're my favorite addiction
Monica likes
To have her fun
That is why
She had a son
She told Rick
He was the dad
Soon found out
That he'd been had
There's one thing
That you can give me
That Leslie can't
And that's passion
Alan was the
Father, of course
And he won't give
Monica a divorce
Rick wants to
Get Leslie back
Heather's having
An insane attack
I'll get Diana Taylor
Shes not crazy
Uh uh, no never
She just wants to
Get Dr. Jeff Webber
Jeff wants Annie
For his wife
But he might have to
Wait all of his life
Cause good girls don't
And Annie won't
And you all know
What I mean
Amy Vining likes to blab
Richard Simmons
Helps fight flab
Susan's having Alan's baby
Noah wants Bobbi
For his lady
Well, Luke got another job
The Quartermaines are
The brand new mob
Laura's the receptionist
What's missing now
Is the Ice Princess
Yes, Luke Spencer, please
Diamonds, not gold
Are in it this time
Scorpio, the house
Of Cassadine
On and on
And on it goes
How it ends up
Nobody knows cause
They keep me waiting
I don't mind waiting
Don't call me crazy
No, I'm not lazy
My day won't go right
I can't sleep all night
If I don't find out
It blows my mind out
I just can't cope
Without my soap
General Hospital
General Hospital
MM, number one
General Hospital
You're my worst affliction
General Hospital
You're my favorite addiction
General Hospital
Addiction, addiction
General Hospital
Addiction, addiction
General Hospital
You're my inspiration
General Hospital
Gonna stay tuned
To this station
General Hospital
Addiction, addiction
General Hospital
Tell me what's going on
Did you see it today
General Hospi-Tale
Tell me what's going on
General Hospital
Addiction, addiction
I love my General Hospital
General Hospital
It's my addiction