Remember M Remember E Song Lyrics
Remember M Remember E by The Bone Fags I never thought no I never knew
The sort of things that love can do
It picks you up and spins you around
Leaves your heart feeling upside down
I believed that our love was true
And for me there was only you
But you cheated and you treated me cruel
Still I send these words to you
Remember M Remember E
Put them together and remember me
Cause I´m gonna love you forever and ever
Oh yes I´m gonna love you forever and ever
When we´ve danced when you hold me close
Whispered loved and we laughed and joked
But now you´re dancing with somebody new
You left me crying and feeling so blue
And now I know what love can do
The sort of things that it put you through
It never ever let´s your dreams come true
But still I´m sending these words to you
Remember M Remember E
Put them together and remember me
Cause I´m gonna love you forever and ever
Oh yes I´m gonna love you forever and ever