You, Seller of your soul
To drown in the mainstream, is your role
Lick your “friends“ some more
I´ll wait for you, my Dear, on the last shore
Wasted Flesh!
You, Dogmatic weakling
Carrying your signs without question
Victim of universal brainwash
Choke on the smoke of divinity
Wasted Flesh!
You, Who dare to threaten my war
Going to be tormented to the core
Hide fast six feet under
Where you´ll find the devout wonder
Wasted Flesh!
But You, Sparks in eternity
Powerful minds, strong enough to see
Gone your own, precious way
I like your kind, in memories you´ll stay
Precious Flesh!
To you
I´ll grant the key
Which opens the gates
To immortality
Precious Flesh!