I don't care about my soul
It's my body I want to save
I won't succumb to the flames
The only sins I know are ignorance and fear
It's how the gods were made
I don't believe in my immortal soul
My mortal one gives me already too much turmoil
The robes of sanctity, used as a cloak for bloodshed
They'll burn the ground beneath our feet
Why eat what you are fed?
Can a bird in a cage ever be beautiful?
I loathe all willing slaves
I don't believe in God
I don't believe in the Devil
I've only myself to blame
Pontificating demagogue infecting humanity
Which has a rendezvous with destiny
To vanish like a breath in the chill night air
And begin to feel the cold
A faith that feeds on terror
An eye for an eye, would it make the whole world blind?
Nothing hides repression more than virtue
Two thousand violent years scything through our history
Two thousand years an you still can't agree
I don't believe in my immortal soul
My mortal one gives me already too much turmoil
A scorched earth or Wagnerian proportions
In heaven and hell I disbelieve
That's why I'm never disappointed