What are you guys laughing?
What are you looking at?
What are you guys laughing?
What are you talking about?
I know I stink
I know I'm rotting
I know I stink
I know I'm rotting
I am King Solomon
I am John Kennedy
I am George Bush
I am Jimi Hendrix
Even if no one listen
Even if no one hears
Even if no one believes
On coming out of my mouth
I'm the real Bruce Lee
I'm the real Bob Marley
I'm the real Peter Sellers
I'm the real Mary Poppins
And I know I stink
I know I'm rotting
I know I stink
I know I'm rotting
I am King Solomon
I am John Kennedy
I am George Bush
I am Jimi Hendrix
I'm the real Bruce Lee
I'm the real Bob Marley
I'm the real Peter Sellers
I'm the real Mary Poppins