Tim tim plays for days in a maze
And there's a minotaur taur
Tiny minotaur taur
Little minotaur taur
Mini minotaur taur
Minotaur taur
Tiny minotaur taur
Little minotaur taur
Mini minotaur taur!
Cute little tiny minotaur
Sitting in a cradle
He thinks that maybe it's a baby
But it nay be!
I'm a tiny minotaur!
Little minotaur
Kill you any minute-aurr!
Minotaur taur
Tiny minotaur taur
Little minotaur taur
Mini minotaur taur
Minotaur taur
Tiny minotaur taur
Little minotaur taur
Mini minotaur taur
How do you defeat a mini minotaur?
Many minotaur taurs hate tartar sauce
They're deathly allergic to tartar sauce
You'll be fine, do you have some tartar tim tim?
You'll need some tartar to kill him
Things are looking grim grim for tim tim
Wait! what's that in his tum tum tim tim?
It's a bottle of tar tar tim tim
Someone before you tried to kill him
Open the jar!
Twist the lid off!
Open the jar!
Counter clockwise!
Release tartar!
To kill minotaur
Minotaur: errgh, tartar! my only weakness!
*minotaur explosion*
Tim tim: I'm alive. stop singing songs about me!
You're ruining my life!