Living A Lie Song Lyrics
Living A Lie by Tony Touch I feel so alone now
each time i look at you
(do you feel no pain)
where is the realness
that deep-rooted realness you mask in vain
(you show the right smile, you got the act down)
there've been many-a-night when i have cried on my own
the struggle inside you give me is not unknown
You go through the motions
you know the right words to say
(you've trained yourself well)
you scoff at the heathens
but deep you inside you are exactly the same
is there no difference in the way we should live
instead of loving ourselves it's His love we should give
(i think you know that)
I can only imagine what He feels when He looks at us
his hurt is so great as the tears fill his eyes
i know you know about the love He has for me and you
but how can we show others when we're living a lie
How long can this go on
when will we stop kidding ourselves
(and face the real world)
we've got to do something
and show them the one true love that we've felt
(from God's only son)
my head and my heart these convictions they share
we've got to throw down the false painted faces we wear
(and show the one above)
When will you stop
stop living a lie
don't you know
it hurts me inside
when will you admit
admit and realize
that you're living a lie
From the single.. 'Love falling down'.