Inevitability of death Song Lyrics
Inevitability of death by Tragically Hip i want a book that'll make me drunk full of freaks and disenfranchised punks no amount of hate no load of junk no bag or
words no costume trunk could make me feel the same way an inch an hour two feet a day to move through night in this most
fashionable way
there's this f**kin band you gotta see they used to scare the living sh*t outta me no frothing dog no cool insanity no "rock n'
roll" no christianity makes me feel the same way an inch an hour two feet a day to move through night with very little else to
say but i'm helpless less with the people than the space
no struggletown no bemused trudeau no solitary walks through vacant lots in moonglow
tonight the winter may have missed its mark you can see your breath in springside park coffee-coloured ice and peeling birch
bark the sound of rushing water in the dark makes me feel the same way an inch an hour two feet a day to move through life
with very little else to say but i'm helpless more with the people than the space i mean i'm helpless less with the people than the
you see, i don't know neil i don't know neil