We are only as strong as the weakest link in this chain and I have been drained for so long by your complacency. What do I need to do to make you understand that when we sit day by day we just play right into their hands? Guilty of silence in a culture of violence. Acknowledging lies by closing our eyes. Slaves to a system which makes us feel we do not belong. How can you tell me I am wrong? Face it - Broken on the wheel, or is that just what I am expected to feel? Victims in the game, yet the blame falls on us. For not using our voice when I know we have a choice. You will never tell me I am wrong. I won't turn away. I will never turn.
There are those who refuse to believe that they can make a change. There are those who chose not to care. There are those who choose to mock others for making an effort. There are those who have decided that rather than thinking for themselves, that it is easier to simply be swept along by the current.