This is our friend-Fingaforn
He lives on a hill- Fingaforn
From where we go tonight- Finganfor-Finganfooooor
This is our friend-Finganforn
He lives on a hill- Finganforn
From were we go tonight- Finganfor- Finganfoooooor
Coming to your home
Coming to your home
Drinking into the night
Drinking into the night
This is our friend
Finganforn- Finganforn
He lives on a hill
From were we go tonight
Finganforn Finganfooooor
Coming in your home
Coming in your home
Drinking into the night
Drinking into the night
Let's go to the magic palace of Finganforn
Coming in your home
Drinking into the night
Walking on the stars
Under moonlight
This is your friend
This is Finganforn
Ho oooooo...
Fin gan for or
Fin gan fo or