it isn't always i am well
for sometimes i am ailing
and yet in steaming night i smile
to downplay this my failing
and make a noise to bury all
of your weeping and your wailing
and then in bed by little light
and closed off from it all
i must try and bring a conscious end to night
and hope that dreams begin to fall
the color of my dreams, they would be you...ruby
oh if i could close my eyes and bring you to me
push your head into
make you not you not you not you but me
and then in dreams i wander free
and see some things i'm meant to be
and sometimes even i see thee
and would the night go on and on
and not tomorrow end at dawn
and whatever mat i lay upon
the color of my dreams, if i had dreams, they would be you...ruby
everything i do is done to bring you closer to me
when you sleep your breath it blows right on through me
the color of my dreams, if i had dreams, they would be you...ruby
the color of my dreams, they would be you...ruby
and illness be or wellness thrive
my dream proves i am yet alive