The Show are starting,
Shut up and open your eyes
This is my life
Dont EVER close your eyes
This is my body
C´mom everybody
This inst a Art sohw,
This isnt a good show
This is your death show!!!
die like a bitch!!!
die like a bitch!!!
die like a bitch!!!
Now... where we go?
Do we fly???
Where is the heaven?
Or where is the hell?
i cant see anything
i just can see the real world...
Why we not die???
Where do we go now?
Where the fuck are you know????
born to die!!!
This is my life
Dont close your eyes
This is my body
C´mom everybody
C´mom, C´mom, C´mom
Lets see your end
C´mom, C´mom, C´mom
Lets see your end
die like a bitch!!!
die like a bitch!!!
die like a bitch!!!
Like a bitch, Like a bitch, Like a bitch...
Now... where we go?
Do we fly???
Where is the heaven?
Or where iss the hell?
i cant see anything
i just can see the real world...
Why we not die???
Where do we go now?
Where the fuck are you know????
born to die... Like a bitch