Aye the bruit of battle resounded on both halves
giant Typhoeus and Kronion Zeus
shall soon exchange shots
the giant one body but many necks of lions and serpents
against the Kronides and his array of allies
masses of trees and hillocks 're shower'd
against dents of thunder that turn'd 'em into dust
masses of high-rocks, launched volleys
are blown away by the four winds' counterblast
zeus' prime adversary's battered by fiery bolts
these flyin' coulters, smoking blades
chop the giant's heads down
a blaze's jags a lion' neck, 'nother consumes
a serpent's throat
the boomin' blows whelm the sky
and pierce the monster's trunk
the mirky smoke blur'd the Giant's vision
his faces are spoiled
And defaced by the four winds' on-come
his corpus now droops for frailty and lack of puissance
feeble lays his bruised back upon his mother Gaia
a rumbling burst of thunder screeches
and trumpets Zeus victory
thus mighty Kronion laughs aloud and gloats
'bout the fallen one
god-defying Typhoeus lies bleedin'
the boastful giants' champion
now's bemock'd and bemean'd