I'm doing good I’ve done amazing shit
I'm not navie anymore
What didn't kill me is what made me stronger
What didn’t kill me was you running you're mouth
What doesn't hurt me is what makes me stand up for what's right
What didn't kill me is the way you wanted me to die
I'll never be killed by you're words
What makes me stronger isn't you’re words
What doesn’t kill me made me stronger
What didn’t kill me was getting body shamed
What doesn't kill me will always make me stronger
When I'm strong I'm dеfending what’s wrong with this world
I'm not weak baby I'm strong
What didn't kill me was all thе trauma
The trauma healed me and made me the strongest bitch ever
What didn't kill me was being degraded
What didn't kill me was being defined
What didn't kill me makes me strong
You're words didn't kill me
You're words can't kill me they can only make me strong
You're neagtivty can't hurt me when half of you're neagtitvy is about me
You can't hurt me anymore
What won't kill me will make me stronger
What didn't kill me was you're toxic trait
Nothing kills me when I've got the best life I've ever asked for
What didn't kill me made me stronger