SC.5 EXT. Night Chicago street. High heels approaching
Alice steps out of a club and rapidly walks past Daisy
Daisy: Hi, Alice!
But she just passes her by, lost in her thoughts
Alice walks past Roy Torrance that was waiting for her, lurking in the shadows
Roy: Hey! Are you like Bloodrayne or something?
Alice: Yeah
Roy: Cool! Do you suck?
Alice: Yeah
Roy: So? You wanna do it?
Alice: Yeah
Roy: [distracted] What are you doing, you taffer?
Alice: Sucking your blood
[sucks his blood and then slits his throat] Shit! He's been already dead... [disappointingly]
Music starts playing rapidly, when the track ends the last distorted note hangs on with the weird vibrato voice on top, then fades into the night city ambiance
This time there's first one siren, then the cops pull up and start inspecting the crime scene with Roy's body lying there
SC. 5.1 INT. Chicago Police Homicide Division. Next day afternoon. Reception area. Ambiance
Agent Matt Curtis walks in
Curtis: Good afternoon, Federal Bureau of Investigation, special agent Matt Curtis. I'd like to see inspector Andy Trudeau
[ambiance shifts into the sound of a closing door as Curtis walks into Trudeau's office]
Curtis: Inspector?
Trudeau: Agent?
[both sit down]
Curtis: I'm looking into the death of Roy Torrance and, as you might guess, expect full hearted collaboration on the case
Trudeau: [positively] With pleasure
Curtis: So... The report says blood suction marks, huh? Barely distinguishable due to the damn machete cut, but still there... That's not quite a typical case, is it?
Trudeau: Pretty far from typical, agent
Curtis: Any connections to satanic sects, devil worshipers, maybe?
Trudeau: None so far
Curtis: Background? Occupation? Family members?
Trudeau: We have our Winchester boyson it in South Dakota
Curtis: I hope they don't pretend to be the FBI
Trudeau: [chuckles] Of course not, agent. Certainly not