Is the room just the right temperature?
Should we do it on the couch?
Or should we do it on the floor?
Or should we check into a fine hotel
One with naked paintings?
No, we'll not go anywhere
We'll stay right here
Let's not waste time
Why not take off your brassiere
And put it over there by my socks
I'll make sure that the front door is locked
And I'll take the telephone
Off the hook
Yea, you look good standing there
Wearing only shoes
And pretty underwear
Would you mind if I ask
Do you like children?
You do? Well, guess what, my dear:
You'll be getting none from me
I've undergone some surgery
There'll be no pregnancy here
I'm about as potent as
A warm glass of beer
Anyway, let us start
I'm getting old!
Now, we are both standing in the nude
I don't want to be too rough
Or do anything too crude
Would you like to lie down
And I'll climb on top?
Or I can tie you up
And pretend that
This is rape!
I'll get dressed up
Like an ape
Or name another act
I heard you were
A kleptomaniac
Well, you can take
A look at…this!
Say, do you mind
If I tell you about
A time I went to war
Listen! There was this squadron of planes
Maybe a hundred or so
They were dropping bombs
All over my head!
Well, what could I do?
I went for my ammo and gun
And I single-handedly
Shot down every one
There, my story's told
Does it leave you cold?
It sure makes me hot!
Now, the moment of truth is at hand
The evening has progressed
Just exactly as I planned
I don't think we should ruin it
With much more foreplay
Whoa, my God above!
I've never felt like this before
Like I'm the sea and you're the shore
And as my surf begins to pound
If you promise not to make a sound
You will actually hear
My tide come in!
Heh. Huh! Ho! Whoa! Whooa!
It's like a rollercoaster into space!
Oh, Lord! This must be the place!
Oh, no!
How much do I owe?
It's free?
No charge for me?
I love you!
The piece is a turn-on. [chuckles]