Ping-pong Song Lyrics
Ping-pong by Annoying Pedestrians VERSE1:
ping-pongs cool
ping-pongs cool
i think ill miss school
ill play table tennis on a barstool
yer thats right
i just might
the ball gives me thrills
iv'e took to many pills
Ping-pong is insane
why does everyone call it lame
this discrimination puts my name to shame
look at what iv'e became
stop bullying me
i dont care cant you see
im going to go hit a little white ball after
but for now ill stay and call you a weenier
year thats right your a weenier
i just swore on a CD
o my god what shall i do?
i dont really care so screw you
i may play table tennis
but god dam it this is a mess
hitting a ball into a net gets boring
at least table tennis has a ring
Ping-pong is insane
why does everyone call it lame
this discrimination puts my name to shame
look at what iv'e became
stop bullying me
i dont care cant you see
im going to go hit a little white ball after
but for now ill stay and call you a weenier
this is the final verse
this could be the worst
but me and liam got 50p of you
were out now buying new shoes
yer thats right we buy shoes
but really there something you never loose
why the hell am i talking about shoes
this is what happens if you booze