Ginger boi Song Lyrics
Ginger boi by Annoying Pedestrians VERSE1:
yer theres a ginger boy
what stupid hair
he looks so gay
i think i just may
go and kill him
god i hate gingers
yer thats it hes ginger hes dead
whats that hes eating bread
yer he's ginger that makes him gay
he'll never get layed
i think we should kill em all
expesially the ones that are tall
god dam them ginger hairs
how can he think no one cares
he belongs in a biscuit tin
being ginger is a sin
get back in your biscuit tin
or ill through u in a bin
this is the end of the straw
this should be a law
all gingers are hores
even the grand-pars
even if its now grey
there still part of the ginger race
yer he's ginger that makes him gay
he'll never get layed
i think we should kill em all
expesially the ones that are tall
god dam them ginger hairs
how can he think no one cares
he belongs in a biscuit tin
being ginger is a sin
even the ginger cats put humans to discrace
this should be the end of there race
the bloody ginger bread men
i never eat any of them
they make me sick
i never will pick
a dam ginger to help me
ill kill em all its my destiny