Na cuibhlichean a' tionndadh
An rathad deas agus tuath
Na cuibhlichean a gluasad mar tha' saoghal iad a tionndadh mun cuairt
Na cuibhlichean a tionndadh, gach duthaich muir agus tir
Tro ghleanntan tro' bhailtean a dh'ionnsaigh an aite agaibh fhein'
An cuibhle mor nach stad gu brath
Tionndadh oganaich gu aois
A' nochd tha'n rathad mor n'ar coinneamh
Gu am ann acg an drasda
'S ioma la chaidh seachad
A ghaoth a sedeadth tro an uir
'S ioma la bha 'ghrian ag eirigh oirnn
Seasamh anns an eorna nuair a bha sin og
Aghmhor. Aghmhor. Aruith tro na raointean 's iad a'fas
Abaich. Orach. Coimhead ri na speuran
'S ioma la 'S ioma la. Feitheamh 'son a chuairt
Glaschu. Dun Eideann. Inbhirnis. Sruighlea. Steornabhagh
Obar Dheadhain. An Gearasdan. Dun Deagh. Lunnainn. A'Ghearmailt
Eirinn. Ameiriga. An cuibhle mor cuibhle mor
The wheels keep turning
The road stretches north and south
The wheels keep moving
Like the globe they keep turning around
The wheels keep turning
Through each country land and sea
Through the glens and the cities towards the place that you call your own
This is the big wheel that never stands still
Turning our youth to old age
Tonight the road reaches out before us and the present time is the only time we have
Many are the days that have gone
The wind blowing through the dust of the earth
Many are the days that the sun rose on us
Standing in the barley when we were young
Joyful. Joyful
Running through the fields as they grew
Ripe. Golden
Looking towards the open skies waiting for the journey
Glasgow Edinburgh Inverness Stirling
Stornoway Aberdeen
Fort-William Dundee London
Germany Ireland America
The big wheel The big wheel