Sascha who is unemployed
What does he do without work?
He cuts his hair short
And pees on a jewish grave
He likes Gypsy schnitzel
But he got an anger on Sintis
He likes to eat Ćevapčići
But he didn't like Croatians
Sascha he is a German
And its hard to be German
And as German as Sascha
Abdul will never be
He even knows the Alphabet
Knows where the Führerbunker is
No this man, he is no fool
Sascha is a German REP
He knows about politics
And knows that all foreigns bother
And his German Shepherd
Doesn't bark for no reason
Yeah, Sascha he is a German
And its hard to be German
And to be as German as Sascha
Is a full-time job
Now he goes for it
And went to the refugee home
There he breaks a window
Cause every Nigga is a pig
Then he burns down the place
Cause everybody does what he can
At the topic: "Deutsche Gründlichkeit"
He knows everything 'bout it
Yeah, Sascha he is a German
And its hard to be German
And who is as German as Sascha
Couldn't be anything else
About like 80 years ago
Somebody already tried
But it didn't work out
But Sascha didn't get it