Crop circles are such fun
It is a wonderful example of my contention that the world is made of language
Because whatever the crop circles are, what they are is
Glyphs of some sort I mean, they are designed to be seen
It would be absurd to maintain that someone was trying not to be seen
So, these crop circles are to be looked at
And then radiating out from the act of looking at them
Reality ripples
Reality ripples
Rеality ripples like air above a dеsert highway
No one seems to think it's weird that all of these birth mysteries people in England
This tremendous mystery just happens to be within a three-hour drive of their front door
I mean, why isn’t it happening in the Steppes of central Asia?
Obviously, it seems to me, it is to be seen by the very people who would then offer an explanation of it
Well, now, Jacques Vallée is the person who pioneered in the study of flying sauces
He said, the way to understand flying sauces is don't ask who's inside, or where do they come from
Ask, what effect are they having?
If you assume they are succeeding in what they want to do, then watch what they do and you will see what their purpose is
See what their purpose is
Okay, so what effect are the crop circles having?
They are a magnet for the fringe establishment of the British Isles
To come out of the woodwork and proclaim the imminence of some great event
And they have come more and more out on this limb
What I speculated to Rupert was that MI5, which is British intelligence
Uh, it’s possible that they could actually view the new age
As a resurgence of paganism that threatens the Christian establishment of Anglican England
And so what they have done is they've created a disinformation program
They will lure all these people out onto this limb
Where they are all saying, you know
“Couldn't be done by human beings, absolutely beyond the power of science to explain”
And then they will reveal a team of MI5 folks who say, you know
Watch, we'll do it for world TV You people are all flakes
You should never have never gained the power in this society that you have
And now you do have to go find honest work