You gotta go down swinging
You gotta go down swinging
And I'll tell you this
If you
If you fight with all you've got
More often than not
You won't go down at all
You'll win
But you got to make that attitude
Part of your everyday life
The extra rep
The extra mile
The extra round
The right choices
To make yourself
And physically
And fight
Fight against weakness
And against fear
And fight against time
And decay
Fight back
You gotta go down swinging
You gotta go down swinging
Give every day
Everything you've got
Everything you've got
Everything you've got
Everything you've got
Go down swinging
When you face a challenge
Even something
Where you don't believe
You can win
Maybe it's a situation
Where you cannot win
But if you can't win
Remember this
You have nothing to lose
So stand up
And go forward
And go out in a blaze of glory
Fighting with
Everything you've got
Every ounce of energy
Every bead of sweat
And every drop of blood
‘Til your last breath
And then
And only then
You can stand down
You can stand down
You can put down your sword
You can put down your shield
And rest
In peace
Go down swinging
Go down swinging
And give every day
Everything you've got
Everything you've got
Everything you've got
Everything you've got
Go down swinging