Can you- can you please sit down and get comfortable?
Alright, I think we're ready to begin. All I gotta do is make a couple of little adjustments here. Barry, theres no vocal in the monitor system at all. Can you put some in? Hello, hello, hello, hello. Hello, hello, nothing, nothing. Claremont, California, hello, hello. Theres- that just about woke me up. Hmm, okay I'd like to- theres still nothing happening in the monitor, Barry, except that noise. We're gonna go ahead, I'd like to introduce the members of the group to you now
Over here on the end, with the oboe in his mouth, is Earle Dumler
Malcolm McNabb on trumpet
Gary Barone on trumpet
Tom Malone on pygmy trumpet
Bruce Fowler on trombone
Do you have a level on him, Barry? He's not coming through the monitor system. Ok
This is Glenn Ferris on trombone
Tony Duran on slide guitar
Dave Parlato on bass
Jim Gordon on drums
And the name of this song we're gonna start off with- (Hm) What? (Uh, Bruce and Glenn are backwards.) Well, can you switch 'em there? (No.) Alright. ([?]) No, very little, Barry. (Ok.) The trombones have been reversed, Barry. (When Bruce has [?]) He's tappin' it. (Ahh.) Ok, organized
Ok, we'd like to get some audience participation on this if we could. Here's what happens: Theres four bars of music that goes by, and then the trombones make a noise that goes like this. Ok, they do that three times in the first part of the song. Would you sing along with that? All you have to do is pick any note of your choosing, put your finger on your throat and go WaAaAaA like that. Let's try it once with the trombones, you ready? Excellent, very tasty group. Ok, remember, this happens three times. ([?]) No. (Oh.) [?] One, two, three, four