FZ: This next— The next tune we're gonna do is entitled "Punky's Whips." And this is a very special event because tonight is Terry Bozzio's birthday. Terry is our drummer. Terry is the Birthday Boy tonight. And I'm sure we all wish him well! However, let's be honest about it, friends and neighbors, that poor son of a bitch is sick. Because, you know, I've heard of some really perverted things in the rock 'n roll business but his true story is about the worst that I've heard. And this song that we're gonna do tells—well, not his complete life story but the story of his most recent exploits in the rock 'n roll field. And, uh, to help us out with the set-up for the story—and this is a true story—to help us out with the set-up we have imported to you, direct from NBC, non other than the golden voice of Mr. Don Pardo! Don, are you back there? Test your microphone, Don, tell me if you're with us
Don Pardo: In today's rapidly changing world .
FZ: Hey! Wait, wait! Wait! Not yet. Okay, just wanted to see if it was working. Ah, here we go . . . "Punky's Whips" . . . One, two, three .