Get the fuck out!
Here there's no interest in what you're about
Preaching your violence
Just leave it alone
Here there's no interest in what you condone
And don't you forget it
We're here together
We're here to stay
We're here together
We want to play
You've got a lot of weight
And it's gone to your head
We just want to keep the peace
But you use the scene to let off some steam
We’re here together
We’re here to stay
We’re here together
We want to play
Oh no
It’s really sad the way you actions meet your words
We'll be glad the day your politics are burned
So, don't forget to say goodbye before you leave
We want to see you turn your back on what you preach
I've seen it before from people like you
Destroy what we have. it only takes a few
We may not be friends, but we are all peers
Enjoy what you have while you're here