We're not a band
We're not a band
We're not a band
We're not a band
We are a cabal of terrorists
So give it up
Give us the gold or your lives
So give it up
We're not a band
We are a cabal of terrorists
Professors, you make us old and you'll be the first to go
Teachers, poets, militants, family
You're all cops
Don't say society
Say racket, 'cause that's what it is
And your art is bourgeois shit!
Your culture is square shaped cop speak
And you're all impotent fools
Until you
Smash your teacher's face in and set fire to the faculty
We're a vandalist committee with stenciled faces and bloody lips
Align or die
Align or die
We're not a band
We're a vandalist committee with stenciled faces and bloody lips
Align or die
Align or die
We're not a band
We're a cabal of terrorists
Align or die